4 Reasons Medication is Appropriate for Your Pain

Untreated pain, whether acute, or chronic, can prevent you from doing the things you enjoy, interfere with work productivity, and disrupt your sleep, among other things. While over-the-counter and prescription medication can provide significant pain relief, it’s important to determine whether pain medication is the right course of action. 

The board-certified physicians at Pain Management Specialists can provide a comprehensive evaluation and determine if pain medication is the most appropriate approach for managing your pain. In this blog, we discuss some of the reasons a pain management physician may recommend pain medication. 

1. Acute pain after surgery or injury

Acute pain is common after surgery or an injury. In these situations, medication can be an important part of controlling pain and keeping you comfortable as you heal and recover. 

If pain is severe, medications, particularly those in the opioid class, may be prescribed short-term. The type of surgery or injury plays a role in what type of medication we may recommend. 

2. Chronic pain that interferes with daily life

If you’re living with chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or neuropathic pain, we may recommend medication as part of your treatment plan. When pain persistently interferes with your daily activities, sleep, and overall well-being, medication can offer the relief you need to restore functionality and improve quality of life. 

In these cases, long-term treatment strategies typically include non-opioid pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, or antidepressants that also have pain-relieving properties. Our team tailors treatment to your specific condition and needs.

3. When other treatments are insufficient

Medication may also be the most appropriate approach if you’ve tried other pain management options without adequate pain relief. For example, you may have tried physical therapy, and lifestyle changes, as initial steps. 

When these efforts fail to provide adequate relief, incorporating medication can provide the additional support needed to better manage your symptoms.

4. In combination with other treatments

Managing pain rarely relies on one single treatment. Instead, effective pain management usually involves creating a comprehensive treatment plan with a multimodal approach, combining medication with other treatments. 

Medication can serve as a component of a broader strategy. For example, a patient with knee arthritis may have hydrocortisone injections as part of their treatment plan. However, steroid injections are administered sparingly to minimize side effects. In this case, pain medication may bridge the gap to keep pain controlled. 

Additionally, managing pain often involves addressing lifestyle and psychological aspects for a more holistic and effective treatment plan. 

Deciding when medication is the most appropriate approach for treating pain involves careful consideration of the type of pain, its impact on your life, and the effectiveness of other treatments. Keep in mind that medication is one piece of the puzzle in the broader context of pain management strategies. 

If you’re struggling with pain, rely on the team at Pain Management Specialists to help you get the pain relief you need so that you can lead a more comfortable life. To get started, call our offices in Rockville and Frederick, Maryland to request a consultation today.

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